Maximizing Your AWS Cost Savings

How to get the most out of your AWS spend while keeping costs under control

As the largest chunk of most organization's IT spend, public cloud costs can quickly spiral out of control if not properly optimized and managed. And with so many services available, there are many different areas where your AWS spend can potentially be reduced, freeing up waste that can re-invested in other, more impactful cloud services.

This ebook lays out the many areas where AWS users can investigate and look for ways to trim excess costs, take advantage of discount mechanisms, and reconfigure workloads to make better use of their cloud spend. 

Ready to get your AWS cloud spend under control? 

Maximizing Your AWS Cost Savings

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Learn more about:


Cost optimization best practices

Implementing best practices for ongoing cost optimization involves establishing a continuous process of regular reviews and audits of your AWS environment to ensure that your infrastructure operates efficiently.


Quick Wins

Identifying potential quick wins to drive immediate savings can significantly impact your organization's financial health by reducing unnecessary expenditures and optimizing resource utilization in a short period.


DoiT's Expertise

Discover how DoiT's technology and services offerings help supplement your efforts and enhance your cloud optimization efforts.

What are people saying about DoiT?

DoiT clearly invests in service quality to ensure that as we scale, costs don’t skyrocket and we maintain access to the same white-glove support we need to succeed.

Trevor Marshall - Current

Chief Technology Officer

DoiT helps us to identify and address issues quickly by connecting us with the right people at Google Cloud to efficiently resolve any problems.

Stefan Birrer - Phenix

Co-Founder and Chief Software Architect

DoiT was a great consulting partner that gave us the big picture in simple terms and provided insights on infrastructure changes.

Jeff McCarrell - Sift

Distributed Systems Engineer

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We provide intelligent technology, expert consultancy and unlimited technical support to help simplify and automate public cloud use for fast-growing, digitally savvy companies.

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